7.2 Transcription are gene expression

  1. Some regions of DNA do not code for the production of proteins. What are these regions of DNA used as?

2. Which structure found in eukaryotes has a single membrane?

3. In which process(es) do nucleosomes play a role in eukaryotes? I. tRNA activation II. Transcription regulation III. DNA supercoiling

4. Very soon after fertilization, parental epigenetic methylation is reversed in the DNA. Later, tissue-specific epigenetic modifications are made to the embryonic DNA. The graph follows the degree of methylation from different sources during embryonic development. According to the graph, what are the changes in DNA methylation during embryonic development?

5. What happens during transcription in eukaryotes?

6. What is a feature of transcription?

7. What makes up eukaryotic RNA immediately after transcription?

8. What are introns?

9. The antisense strand of a DNA molecule has the sequence TACCCGATC. What would be the resulting mRNA strand sequence?

10. Which statement applies to transcription in eukaryotic cells but not to prokaryotic cells?

11. The sequence of nucleotides in a section of RNA is: GCCAUACGAUCG What is the base sequence of the DNA sense strand?

12. What is removed during the formation of mature RNA in eukaryotes?

13. The antisense strand on the DNA molecule coding for three codons of a gene is TATCGCACG What are the anticodons of the three tRNA molecules that correspond to this sequence?

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