Quiz – Introduction to Organic Chemistry

  1. An alkene P has three Carbon atoms .Write the formula of P.

2.  C5H11OH is an organic compound. What kind of compound is it? What is the name of the compound?

3. An organic compound has the formula C₅H₈. What is the molecular formula of the organic compound immediately after it in the homologous series?

4. Out of the given compounds, how many are alkanes , alkenes, alcohols, carboxylic acids respectively? C5H10, C5H12, C10H20, C10H22, C5H8, C10H18, C2H4, C3H8, C4H9OH, C5H11COOH, C5H11OH

5. Which of the following will not produce a pollutant when burnt in air?

6. Crude oil can be separated into different fractions by fractional distillation because the fractions have -

7. All members of a homologous series -

8. Which of the following is correct?

9. The diagram below shows how petroleum is separated into various fractions.  Out of B, C and D, a) has the highest boiling point, evaporates most easily, produces the most smoke when burnt?

10. Identify A and D respectively in the below diagram. Give one use of each.  

11. How do you know B and C are mixtures?

12. The fractional distillation of petroleum produces a hydrocarbon Z which contains 81.8 % by mass of Carbon. The molecular mass of the Hydrocarbon is 58. After calculating the molecular formula of Z, choose in which petroleum fraction is Z found?

13. Choose the wrong one -

14. Which statement about fractional distillation of Petroleum is not correct?

15. In a fractionating column, which compounds leave from the top of column ?

16. Which statement about the fractional distillation of petroleum is correct?

17. Glycerine is used as an antifreeze in car radiators. The formula of glycerine is - The chemical properties of glycerine are expected to be similar to that of -

18. Pick the odd one out -

19. Arrange in order of decreasing volatility - diesel oil, kerosene, naptha, petroleum gas, bitumen

20. Out of the fractions, diesel oil, kerosene, naptha, petroleum gas and bitumen, which a) contains Propane b) is used as a starting material for plastics c) contains hydrocarbons with more than 20 Carbon atoms per molecule respectively.

21. Which compound from the following is not organic?

22. Which compounds belong to the same homologous series?

23. The organic compounds X and Y belong to the same homologous series. Compound X has the chemical formula CH3NH2. Which other compound could be Y?

24. Ethanol can be obtained from -

25. Choose the wrong one -

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