Atomic Structure – MCQ QUIZ

  1. Deduce the number of protons , neutrons and electrons in an atom of Uranium - 235. Refer to periodic table for any other information you need.

2. The total number of protons and electrons in an Element X is 30. What is the proton number of element X?

3. Element Y has a proton number of 7. It also has seven neutrons. What is the number of electrons in an atom of Y and the nucleon number of Y respectively?

4. Choose the wrong statement about properties of electrons, protons and neutrons.

5. Which definition of isotopes is correct?

6. Which statement is true?

7. In which compound does one of the atoms not achieve the electronic configuration 2, 8?

8. An element R has p protons and n neutrons in its nucleus. Which row gives a possible correct number of protons, electrons and neutrons in a negative ion of an isotope of R?

9. An isotope of element X has 40 nucleons and 19 protons. What is element X?

10. Which element has the greatest number of electrons in the outermost shell of the atoms?

11. The atoms of element Y have the electronic configuration 2,8,6. Which statement about element Y is correct?

12. Which statement about an atom is correct?

13. Uranium occurs naturally as three isotopes - Uranium - 234, Uranium - 235, Uranium - 238. Which statement about them is wrong?

14. Chlorine - 35 is an isotope of Chlorine. Determine the number of electrons, protons and neutrons in an atom of Chlorine.

15. An ion of Chlorine - 37 contains the following particles- X - 20, Y - 18, Z - 17. Identify particles X, Y and Z.

16. What is the number obtained when the proton number is subtracted from the nucleon number?

17. The diagram below shows the nucleus of an atom. Which atom is it ?  

18. The mass number of Chlorine is 35.5 . Which statement explains why it is not a whole number?

19. An atom has an electronic configuration of 2,8,4 and a nucleon number of 28. How many electrons, protons and neutrons are present in it?

20.  Which relationship is wrong for an atom?

21. Which statement is false?

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