11.2 Movement

1.Which processes require calcium? I. Muscle contraction II. Movement of an action potential along an axon III. Production of the skeleton of hard corals

2. What structure is indicated by the arrows? [Source: Courtesy Roger Craig, University of Massachusetts]

3. Which structure found in eukaryotes has a single membrane?

4. What is the role of calcium in muscle contraction?

5. Which process is part of the mechanism that controls muscle contraction?

6. A skeletal muscle contains bundles of elongated muscle fibre cells. What is the longest structure within each fibre?

7. What is a function of synovial fluid in the elbow joint?

8. What is bone X and muscle Y in the diagram of the elbow joint?

9. What is the main role of nerves in human movement?

10. The following is a diagram of the elbow joint. What structures are indicated by the letters X, Y and Z?  

11. Which ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum when a skeletal muscle fibre contracts?

12. What is the role of ATP during contraction of a skeletal muscle fibre?

13. The images below show muscle tissue. Which image shows contracted muscle tissue?

14. During muscle contraction, what is the role of calcium ions ( Ca2+) which are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?  

15. What is the function of the knee joint?

16. What is the function of the synovial fluid in the elbow joint?

17. What is the role of calcium ions during muscle contraction?

18. What is the role of ligaments in humans?

19. What is the role of ligaments in humans?

20. Which is the sequence of events in muscle contraction? I. Use of ATP II. Formation of cross bridges III. Release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum IV. Actin filament moves towards the centre of the sarcomere

21. What is indicated by the letters X, Y and Z?

22. The diagram below shows the side view of the arm joint. Which letter is pointing to the ulna?  

23. What happens during muscle contraction?

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