1. What describes the genes in a transgenic organism?

2.  Which of the following is the monomeric unit of Nucleic acids?

3. Which statement about DNA is correct?

4. Which statement applies only to a gene?

5. A gene contains 900 phosphate groups? How many bases will it contain?

6. Some stages in the transfer of genes from one species to a second species are listed . In which order are they performed before the gene is incorporated in the second species?  
  1. Bacteria containing the recombinant DNA replicate.
  2. DNA is cut into pieces to isolate the target gene.
  3. Organisms from a second species are infected with the bacteria.
  4. Plasmids from bacteria accept the target gene.

7. Below mentioned are some steps during insertion of Human Insulin gene into bacterial DNA to produce human Insulin. Which steps require restriction enzyme?  
  1. Chromosome containing the Insulin gene is removed from the nucleus.
  2. Insulin gene is cut from the chromosome.
  3. The bacterial plasmid is cut open.
  4. Insulin gene inserted into the plasmid.

8. Arrange in correct sequence. 1. A bacterial plasmid is cut open. 2. The bacterium is grown in a fermenter. 3. The insulin gene is cut out from human DNA. 4. The insulin gene is inserted into a plasmid. 5. The plasmid is inserted into a bacterium.  

9. If Adenine forms 40% of the nitrogenous bases in a particular DNA molecule, what percentage of the bases would be Guanine?

10. Which bases form complementary bases in DNA ?

11. According to rule of base pairing, which is correct ?

12. Each nucleotide in DNA consists of -

13. A set of three bases which codes for one amino acid is called as -

14. The process by which the sequence of mRNA codons is used to make a polypeptide is called -

15. The process by which DNA template is used to make a single stranded molecule called messenger RNA is called -

16. A sequence of DNA nucleotides ( bases ) that controls the formation of a single polypeptide is called -

17. A template DNA strand has 900 bases. How many codons or triplet codes are present? It can form a polypeptide chain with how many amino acids?

18. Genetic codes are universal. The codon AUG also known as the start codon, codes for which amino acid -

19. Write the corresponding sequence for the other DNA strand for this template DNA strand- ATTTAAAGGGGCCCCC  

20. What is the corresponding RNA sequence for the following DNA strand - TAAATTTCCCCGGGGG

21. Pick the wrong one -

22. Which process requires use of DNA ligase -

23. In humans, what describes the chromosomes in the gametes that fuse at fertilisation and result in a normal male zygote ?

24.  A DNA strand has 100 nucleotides. Out of which, 22 are Adenine nucleotides, 20 are Cytosine nucleotides, 47 are Guanine nucleotides and 11 are Thymine nucleotides. How many Thymine nucleotides will be there on the DNA strand complementary to this strand?

25. Below is a correct representation of which entity?

26. A gene in a piece of DNA contains 6000 nucleotides ( bases). It codes for the production of a protein. How many amino acids would be required to produce the protein?

27. Pick the correct one -

28. Organisms which have foreign genes inserted into them are called -

29. The vector used in producing genetically engineered human insulin gene is

30. The technique of inserting genes from a healthy person into the cells of another person with defective genes is called-

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