1.1- Introduction to cells

1.Cladograms can be created by comparing DNA or protein sequences. The cladogram on the left is based on DNA sequences and the cladogram on the right is based on comparing protein sequences.       What is the reason that cladograms based on DNA sequences are more reliable predictors of the phylogenetic relationship of species than cladograms based on protein sequences?          

2. The giant alga Acetabularia has a feature that suggests it is an exception to the cell theory. What feature is this?

3. The bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae causes infections related to the human reproductive system. The graph shows the percentage of samples in which this bacterium showed resistance to six antibiotics over a period of ten years. What is a possible explanation for the total percentage resistance being larger than 100% in 2010?  

4. Which feature of striated muscle cells allows them to be considered as a possible exception to the cell theory?

5. Which characteristic of stem cells makes them useful for treating Stargardt’s disease?

6. What provides evidence for the endosymbiotic theory?

7. Which functions of life are carried out by all unicellular organisms?

8. A botanist measures a leaf and finds it is 24 cm long and 8 cm wide. His drawing of the leaf is 4 cm wide. Which was the magnification and length of his drawing, assuming that the proportions of the drawing were correct?

9. Which sequence shows increasing relative size?

10.Why do multicellular organisms have emergent properties?

11. What happens to the cell surface area to volume ratio as a cell grows?

12. Which functions of life are carried out by all unicellular organisms?  

13. What happens to the surface area to volume ratio as a cell grows?

14. Which functions of life are carried out by all unicellular organisms?

15. The diatom Didymosphenia geminata is a species of single-celled alga that lives in warm, shallow water. In the light microscope image below, the scale bar is equal to 10 micrometres (10 μm). What is the actual length of the cell?

16. What are stem cells?

17. What causes cells to differentiate?

18. What is proportional to a cell’s surface area?

19. Which property makes stem cells suitable for therapeutic use?

20. How do cells in multicellular organisms differentiate?

21. Which functions are carried out by all unicellular organisms?

22. Which property makes stem cells suitable for therapeutic use?

23. How do cells in multicellular organisms differentiate?

24. What is an example of the therapeutic use of stem cells?

25. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm?

26. Which of the following characteristics found in a structure necessarily indicates that it is alive?

27. A red blood cell is 8 μm in diameter. If drawn 100 times larger than its actual size, what diameter will the drawing be in mm?

28. Which functions of life are found in unicellular organisms?

29. Which statement is part of the cell theory?

30. In a cell, what is the effect of a large surface area to volume ratio?

31. How can cells in a multicellular organism differentiate?

32. If a Sequoia sempervirens tree is 100 m tall and a drawing of it is 100 mm tall, what is the magnification of the drawing?

33. How does the surface area to volume ratio change with an increase in cell size?  

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